Somatic Therapies Go Deeper than Talk Therapy Do…
After years of talk therapy, you can understand what you’ve been through from every angle imaginable, but talk doesn’t ‘digest’ what’s happened.
The trauma lives in the body, and it must be integrated and released in the language of the body. Somatic Trauma Work can help with complex PTSD, and traumatic event memories. Reach out for more information or read on…
Trauma can happen at any time in life.
Trauma can be event-focused, like a car accident that continues to haunt you throughout your workday. Or it can be more deep-seated, like a difficult childhood that you haven’t worked through yet. Perhaps you berate yourself over a mistake you made ten years ago. You can’t seem to let the guilt go.
The effect can be far-reaching…
You might be experiencing anxiety and depression, unhealthy relationships, inability to get over the past, repeating negative thoughts, etc. When we have trauma that’s not integrated and processed, the body responds with these outcomes.
Research around mental health is changing. Rather than seeing anxiety and depression as chemical imbalances, we’re now understanding that oftentimes mental health issues are a response to trauma. The body is seeking balance.
Trauma happens in many ways…
Maybe there wasn’t a lot of food in the home when you were growing up, and there was nothing you could do about it.
Perhaps a parent told you that you’re no good or incapable or not smart enough, and you had no one to tell you otherwise.
Physical fear of any kind and especially when you’re young is stored in the body.
Emotional scars like seeing your mother being beaten, or love being withheld, make it difficult to live a fully joyous adulthood and affect how you raise your children.
You’re set up for more challenges in life if you’ve experienced trauma…
Research shows that trauma can put you at risk for more health issues, make you more injury-prone, and keep you locked in outdated ways of interacting with others. This is not to say that you can’t work through your stuff. You can. The nervous system and body are designed to heal and process what has happened. We simply need a new map to understand the language of the body and what is needed.
When you’re overwhelmed and don’t have adequate coping skills…
Trauma gets stored in the autonomic nervous system when there’s no way out.
You couldn’t stop the car accident from happening. You couldn’t stop the person from hitting you. You were too young to get yourself out of the situation. Your nervous system is designed to protect you by turning off your ability to feel what’s happening so that you can go on and live when the crisis is over. The nervous system seeks to reenact the moments of trauma. Upon doing so, the nervous system comes back to neutral more easily, and we see a loosening of the cycles that trauma causes.
Unintegrated trauma shows up as repetitive patterns that are difficult to shift…
You may find yourself in similar relationships that are not healthy, and you don’t know why.
Your career isn’t fulfilling, and no matter what you try, you can’t get to the next level.
You don’t believe in yourself anymore.
Your health and wellbeing are suffering, and you want to change them.
You work yourself into the ground to succeed.
You put others above you and don’t set firm boundaries around what you need.
You find it challenging to imagine yourself living a great life feeling good each day.
Often, clients have never worked with a coach to help move through the difficult pain held inside. Working with a therapist is a great way to understand what’s gone on, but unlocking its hold on the body is what will help you shift out of the cycles of pain and repetitive patterns that trauma causes.
When you experience trauma, your autonomic nervous system takes over. It lives in the body.
This is a mammalian response designed to keep you alive. If you were on the great plains and a panther snapped your neck, the nervous system flushes the body with opioids to take away any feeling. It allows you the opportunity to get away. This is a release of chemicals in the body that also happens when smaller traumas happen. It is a successful mammalian response to trauma.
If you’ve been in a car accident, you might recall how everything slowed down. The reason for this is that each moment is stored in your nervous system as a charged memory, and each memory takes up a certain amount of space on your “hard drive.”
Healing comes when you integrate and release these kinds of memories.
Somatic Interactive Coaching
Accessing the deeper trauma stored beneath the surface, we can use medicine or non-medicine sessions to release the charge within the autonomic nervous system. In a two-hour session, the client relives the experience through primary consciousness to release it from their body.
Research suggests that most of the symptoms people seek treatment for are not random bad wiring or biochemical imbalances. Anxiety, depression, addiction, and PTSD symptoms are frequently adaptive responses to childhood experiences. We are leaving the paradigm of symptom suppression and management and resolving root causes with this method of coaching. Your ability to feel and engage these symptoms is integral to healing them.
The work is suggested for individuals with a certain amount of stability in their life and are ready to take on and tackle their buried trauma. The work is itself destabilizing by nature, so you’ll want to have a strong support system and good resources in place.
This is a successful treatment…
… for complex trauma, PTSD, and other advanced forms of trauma.
Please, reach out if you would like to learn more about this cutting-edge work and modality and get a spot on my waitlist.
Call me today. Let’s schedule a free 30-minute consultation so that I can learn more about what you’re going through: (617) 347-5766.